Writers’ Journal #97 – Scorched Earth – Outline

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I know it is a bit too late for the outline but then as a well-known saying goes, it’s better late than never!

Story so far:

In distance future, our heroes have traveled, more like ran away, from Earth’s whose weather system by then resembled more of Jupiter’s raging hurricanes than green Earth that we are more used to. Our story is told by the Captain of one of the ships that escaped the Earth to a planet in and Andromeda Galaxy. It was detected to have the similar chemistry,weather system to Earth. Also it orbits its own star in same band of orbit as Earth does to the Sun.

They have nearly reached the planet and resources are running out soon. The scout ship had advanced from the main ship to land on the planet to investigate and plan for the eventual take over of the planet. However, the landing party discovered several ancient alien artifacts on the planet. From the artifacts, they discovered one of them is a receiver to a faint signal coming from the planet itself it led them to a huge pyramid underground.

They experienced strange effects on their senses as they approached the pyramid and had to turn back to the surface of the planet. One of the landing crew tried to make an explanation out of the strange events. The explanation was that the pyramid is an transport, matter-to-energy conversion machine that was pointing directly at Earth. But soon, the Captain must make a decision and report back to the main ship, which is approaching the planet and eager to land for resources.

Whats next:

I have no idea as of now. That is why I am delaying another day with this, sort of, useless post.

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