Writers’ Journal #114 – Nowhere Man

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Space and time are the same, or so that was what they said to me then. I am the proof that it is so. But you can’t see me because I no longer exists from your point-of-view. I have traveled in time, but, traveled in space. Let me begin my story at the beginning.

It was at a local sci-fi-conference that I first met John Major 2 years ago. Time and space no longer matter to me now, but I do that for your sake. In short, John introduced me as one scientist involved a government project. Only that, but we became close friends soon after the conference. I found out the name of the project by accident, HIST (HIstorical STreaming). It made no sense to me, but soon my life would depend upon it.

A few weeks after the conference, John told me during one of our Friday nights out that the project was looking for a volunteer. The compensation was substantial and free medical care for life, if any injuries from the experiment. The risk was very low; I was assured, and there had been several before me so it would be a safe experiment. Looking back, John must have known I was in a deep sh*t over the college tuition fees and that my mother was due to a surgery soon, making me an easy prey. The meeting between us must have been arranged beforehand.

My troubles started when I left my apartment that morning and suddenly surrounded by a few men at the bus stop. Rather than the bus, it seemed I was to be chauffeured to the site where it was I was told not to ask. I noticed that it totally covered the car was totally in black, including the windows, so only the driver could see from the front. But the center glass dividing the front and back ensured that I had no clues as to my destination. The car stopped at the site after an hour and they escorted me to a room with no windows.

A few minuted later, a man dressed in white, like doctors, came into the room and handed me a few documents and a cup of strange liquids. One document had my signature, which I signed for Major to be the volunteer for the projects, but seemed to have more conditions than the paper I signed on. The other document stated the amount transacted to my mother’s bank account, and I was to drink the medicine as agreed, which I didn’t remember doing so. But then, I signed the paper for the money so I knew I had to fulfill my part of the deal. So I took the cups in order as instructed and drank them one after another.

Then I blanked out.

When I could open my eyes again, I was naked and alone in a metal cage. I could see the smokes arising and timer ticking down as I tried to escape from the cage to no avail. Soon the lights surrounding the cage became too bright for me to open my eyes and I lost consciousness once more for the last time. So how is it I am communicating with you if I no longer regained consciousness, you ask?

Because I became OmniGod.

The experiment was to test for the effect of time travel and I had survived but not the way expected. I traveled in time, but traveled in space. So every movement of my body, I also moved in time. So if I moved forward, I went to the future and vice versa. I could find out about what happened to me and able to save my mother from eventual death. But I could never live as a normal human again.

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